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John Bimba |
Team Lead, ZRC |
50% ( i.e..18hrs per week) |
- 1. Responsible for overseeing all activities geared towards achieving the goals and objectives of the Consortium.
- 2. Planning, overseeing the budget and ensuring that research activities are organized and implemented in accordance with set deliverables and timelines.
- 3. Participate in research and consortium related meetings and teleconferences
- 4. Assist in organizing field work activities across research sites
- 5. Ensure all team members carry out role and responsibilities without any problem
- 6. Gives reports and up-to-date activities of the team to the consortium and other stakeholders and partners.
- 7. Delegate tasks and set deadlines to team members
- 8. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members
- 9. Ensure a safe work and inspiring team environment for all staff
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Dr. Oluwatoyosi Adekeye |
Senior Research Fellow, Zankli Research Centre and Research Update Manager, Zankli Research Centre, LIGHT Consortium |
- 1. Manage and coordinate all research activities and inputs across the research, from staff, partners and stakeholders, in accordance with the project’s work plan.
- 2. Outline, write, copy-edit, publish and promote regular research summaries, briefing notes, analytical reports and articles for blogs, social media posts and presentations based on the formative research findings and deliverables of the research on an ongoing basis.
- 3. Develop tools and templates for effective communication by giving research progress, results, formative research findings and other points of interest for stakeholders and the general public
- 4. Prepare and copy-edit written content articles and other communications for stakeholder and general public audience while supporting research scientists to manage field data collection work plans
- 5. Lead thought leadership efforts, including providing support on publications
- 6. Plan and support face-to-face partner think tank and university exchanges and events
- 7. Coordinate closely with the Communications officers to ensure that the project can appropriately capture and tell the development story
- 8. Robust understanding of the research process and how to ensure excellence in research production within the international development context and other duties as assigned by the Team Lead
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CERT. HRM, CERT. Digital Marketing, DIP. Accounting, B.Sc Political Science, M.Sc Public Admin, Master in Election Management (MEM in View) |
- 1. Give Communication support in organizing and planning of events
- 2. Information output as it pertains ZRC/LIGHT Manage/create social media post
- 3. Press releases/relating with media personnel
- 4. Content creation
- 5. Attend Research uptake meeting – Communication working group
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- 1. Taking and delivery massages
- 2. Maintaining file
- 3. Sorting and sending mails
- 4. Accountable for delivery and following up all request of the light consortium, ZRC
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Oluwaseun Ajanaku |
Finance Officer |
B.Sc Accounting, Master of Business Administration (MBA), ACA (in View) |
- 1. Prepare financial reports and forecast budgets
- 2. Plan, organize and execute financial tasks for STAR Covid-19 project
- 3. Ensuring that all transactions are properly accounted for and the financial systems are maintained under all procedures and controls
- 4. Make estimates of funds required for short and long-term financial objectives.
- 5. Reconciliation
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Kasimu Aliyu |
Community Health Extension Worker |
Dip CHEW, Cert in Clinical Practices, Cert Vacuum Aspiration Participant in Covid 19 RDT evaluation. |
- 1. Community Mobilization Officer ZRC/LIGHT Consortium
- 2. Sample Collection/Gathering/transportaion
- 3. Research Assistant
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Kushim Jonathan Agwom |
Data Manager |
Dip Desktop Appreciation, B.Sc Computer Science, Master of Cyber Security and Digital Forensic (MCSDF in View) |
- 1. Data Management and Analysis
- 2. Gives support in organizing and planning of events
- 3. Information output as it pertains ZRC Data
- 4. System Analysis
- 5. Monitoring and Evaluation learning (ZRC/LIGHT Consortium)
- 6. Attend Research meeting
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B.Sc Computer Science, Masters in Cyber Security & Digital Forensics (MCSDF) in view |
- 1. Data Management/Maintaining Data Collection Files
- 2. Recruiting Participants/Obtaining Consents
- 3. Providing relevant support with regards to Data analysis.
- 4. Relevant material development
- 5. Liaising with Stakeholders
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B.Sc Sociology & Anthropology |
- 1. Conducting literature searches
- 2. Data management
- 3. Obtaining consents
- 4. Maintaining files
- 5. Scheduling and maintaining data collections files
- 6. Assisting with data analysis
- 7. Generating correspondence reports
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Jikisim Comfort |
B.Sc Microbiology |
- 1. Conducting literature searches
- 2. Data management, Obtaining consents
- 3. Maintaining files, Scheduling and maintaining data collections files
- 4. Assisting with data analysis, and generating correspondence reports, and graphics as determined by the team lead, and any other responsibilities which may be assigned to me
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B.Sc. Microbiology |
1. Conducting literature searches
- 2. Data management
- 3. Obtaining consents
- 4. Maintaining files, scheduling and maintaining data collections files
- 5. Assisting with data analysis, and generating correspondence reports, and
- 6. Graphics as determined by the team lead, and any other responsibilities which may be assigned to me
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John Amos Bassi |
Assistant Data Manager |
BSc in Computer Science, Masters in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics (MCSDF) |
- 1. Data Entry, developing and maintaining procedures for data collection, input, management and quality control
- 2. Developing statistical reports for granting reporting and evaluation and development
- 3. Involve in Project Management and Technical meetings
- 4. Maintaining Data connection and Data flow
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B.SC in Public health
Diploma in community health extension worker, (CHEW)
Community outreaches, samples collection, Tuberculosis diagnosis using the genexpert machine, microscopy for AFB , Research Work, monthly reports |